Friday, January 9, 2015

What's in a Name?

So for a while now, I have wanted to start a blog. The purpose of this blog being to update the ones I love with our day-to-day life, places we’ve been to, people we’ve seen as well as share all sorts of things I love; plus, it’s also a great way to look back on all the great memories we’ve created.  Our families live all over the place and I figured this is another means of communication to help make it seem like we live just a little closer to one another. After a few weeks of struggling to come up with a name, I have finally found one that I love and hold’s meaning to me.
I picked the name, “Life As We Chose It” for many reasons. As we get older, we are faced with many life events and decisions. Many we have complete control over and others we simply do not. After all, that’s what life is about and while it can be difficult at times, this is also what makes life gloriously beautiful and unpredictable. We make decisions every single day, some big and others small but all of them with the purpose of trying to get us where we want to be or need to be in that moment or in the foreseeable future.
As the New Year begins, I have chosen to lead a more purposeful life. I have decided that while I can’t control all of the things that happen to us good and bad, I can control how I react to them and what we make of them.  Of course, it isn’t always that easy (especially with the more difficult things that we will one day face) but my hope is that when life gets rough, I can come back to this blog and remind myself that life is too short to dwell on the things one cannot control and I should choose to look at the situation differently and in a way that helps us move forward.
On the flip side, my hope is that this blog also helps me appreciate all the things we take for granted on a day-to-day basis because I know I can be very, very guilty of this. I really want to enjoy every moment that I can with the ones that I love. I want to get out there and see the world and experience things with family and friends and begin to really live my life while making meaningful memories. This blog is meant to highlight the day-to-day decisions Ryan and I make in regards to how we live our lives and our experiences with them, even if that decision is as simple as riding our bikes to the museum on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

So here’s to laughing harder, loving more deeply, making each moment count and leading a more fulfilling life!

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